The Killer whales were really neat, the underwater viewing was cool.
Also, the show was really neat too, it was amazing that they could train whales like that. They not only jump out of the water, but the trainers also ride on their heads through the water!
We saw some sharks

Today we went to the dog park at Balboa Park. It is an enclosed area where dogs can run off-leash. We forgot our camera, but Kylie was a sight to see. She found some mud from the spill over of the drinking fountain and rolled around in it. She was so covered in mud and dirt that she didn't look yellow anymore, she looked like a chocolate lab... We had to take her to a doggy wash to clean her off! We also had to clean out our car because the back seat was so dirty from her! We could tell she had a lot of fun getting muddy though.
We also now have a new friend on our weekend tradition of bagels and coffee and Einstein. That would be Kylie! While we eat our bagels, Kylie has a raw-hide and sits with us on the patio.
We almost always bring our nice Einstien thermal mugs that Jim's mom gave us for Christmas, but unfortunately today we forgot them, we were so mad at ourselves!
We hope everybody had a great weekend!
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