Our little Kylie has made it to the "Success Stories" page of the Labradors and Friends Rescue home page! http://www.labradorsandfriends.org/RP_Success.asp Yeah! We have been slowly getting her paperwork in and learning more and more about her past and her background. She actually has a little golden retriever in her too...she is a golden retriever, yellow lab mix! Two wonderful breeds that we couldnt chose between originally! How funny!
Her Savior had this to say to us about her rescue:
"That day my brother and I went up there because my Riverside shelter contact had called me about her. I honestly can't remember if she was turned in by an owner or a stray...I'm almost positive she was a stray. Basically, the way shelter life works, is that the shelter gives dogs a behaviorial test to decide whether or not the animal can be adopted to the public or can only be released to rescue. Kylie, (I named her this,) didn't pass her behavioral test because she was too afraid to eat in front of the handler...(she was obviously terrified.) Because of this, she could only be adopted out to rescue, and because she wasn't pulled by any local rescues, was actually going to be euthanized that night if I didn't take her. Those are the worst...when my decision is literally the last chance a dog has. :( I always do my own eval of the dogs, and Kylie passed with flying colors! She was just a scared little pup...not her fault she was afraid of the handlers...the shelters are scary! I decided right away to exit her, along with Tootsie and Tyler that day. She sat and looked out the back window of the car the whole way home and, though timid, quickly warmed up once she realized she was safe. "
We are so happy that we were able to give her a loving, forever family. We just love her! :-) We encourage all of our friends and family that are considering adding a pet to their lives to consider a rescue!
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