Monday, May 3, 2010

Beach Day

On Sunday we went to the beach to take advantage of a nice hot day here.

We went to a new beach that we’d never been to before, called Kure Beach.  (Depending on who you ask, it is pronounced one of three ways: 2 syllables “Curry” like the Indian food, or 2 syllables “COOR-ree”, or 1 syllable “Kurr”. All 3 work, there is apparently no consensus!)

Kure Beach is one island in a string of islands south of Wilmington.

It is low key without a lot of other people around.

We have a beach house rented here for the last week of July that we are going to stay in with two other couple-friends that Colleen grew up with.

We wanted to get to the beach one more time, this was our second-to-last weekend without being parents!

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