Colleen was supposed to fly to St Louis on Thursday evening to help Jen set up Julie's shower for Saturday. Well, it was quite an adventure getting there. Her flight was supposed to connect in Detroit. However, the weather was so bad in Detroit that they had to circle over Ohio for 2 hours. Then when there was no opening for them to land in Detroit, they had to divert to Waynesville, Indiana to re-fuel. After waiting for 2 hours in Waynesville, they continued on to Detroit. When she landed in Detroit she ran to her connecting gate to try and catch the flight to St Louis. The St Louis flight was delayed 2 hours so there was a chance she could make it....well they closed to the door to the gate a few seconds before she ran up. It was backing out when she got to the gate. Why they didn't hold the flight for connection is a mystery! So, she was stuck in Detroit for the night. There were no hotels taking reservations because the storms knocked out power for most of Detroit. Jim tried calling from home also, to no avail. No hotel was answering their phone! So she was stuck at the airport overnight with no carry-on bags. She couldn't lie down to sleep because she was wearing a skirt. By the time her 7am flight came, she was dead tired with blood shot eyes. When she landed in St Louis, they ultimate salt on the wound happened when they told her that her bags were in Madison Wisconsin. Julie was nice enough to drive over PJ's so she sould sleep for a few hours on Friday until her bags arrived later that night!
(Jim arrived Friday night with no issues!)
Anyway, it was still good to be in St Louis to see family. Jim's dad and step-mom from Vegas were there, as was all the St Louis family and some family from Illinois.
Julie and James are due to have a baby boy, here is the mom-to-be-Julie with Ted:

Here is Colleen with Jen before the shower started:

Here are pictures of some of the food and decorations before the shower started:
After the shower when all the guests left, the family stayed around to swim in Jen and Phil's pool:
After we got out of the pool, little Lauren wanted to dress just like her Aunt Colleen. It was really cute that Lauren wanted to dress just like her!
Then later Saturday night we had a birthday party for Jen's 34th birthday! We ordered lots of pizza for all of us and had a cake for Jen:

Before bed, Colleen read to the girls, they were all very in to the story!
We then flew back Sunday morning on a very un-eventful non-stop flight that was only 1 hour and 45 minutes long!
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