Saturday, June 23, 2012

Playground Pics

While we were up in Maryland looking for our new house to live in, we took some time out now and then to check out the playgrounds with Avery!

We also stopped by White Flint Mall so Avery and momma could ride the train!

Here we are taking another break to take a side trip to Annapolis to sit on the docks and watch the sailbats:

Then a few week later was final moving day.  The huge truck pulled up in front of our house to pack...dang that dead grass will make it harder to sell out house!  Bummer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

UNC-TV party

We went to the UNC-TV PBS Kids party this weekend.  It was for member's only, and it was at the North Carolina Musuem of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh.  They had food, exhibits, and Avery got to meet some of her favorite characters, such as Sid the Sciend Guy:

Curious George:

It is a really neat, new museum downtown, definitely worth checking out in Raleigh if you are there.  They have some really cool exhibits, including a huge 4-story globe that on the inside is a complete surround theater showing quick science clips (Note, not an IMAX theater, this is free to just walk in and watch for a few minutes and then continue on!).

Also, daddy took Avery to the playground at Bond Park.  She wanted to stay in her jammies.  Here she is saying CHEEEESE!!!!