So the move is officially over! We pretty much have everything set up and ready to go and be livable again. Our building is really nice with our pool and hot tub and the great views. We are loving our new neighborhood. Being right by the harbor and seeing the tall ships every day makes Colleen happy! Everyone that lives around us are young professionals and young married couples, it is a great scene. We have lots of cafes, bistros, bars and restaurants all around us and we walk everywhere....we love that! Millie, our cat, loves the big main room with the hardwood floors and sprints and slides all over the place to get out her energy! Sometimes when she starts running, her feet slip on the hardwood and she just runs in place for a few seconds until she gets traction, it looks like the cartoons! She also stares out of the big floor to ceiling windows all day.
Still, we were sad to leave our old neighborhood and didn't like having to move. Millie loved the whole moving process though, check out her playing on the boxes while we were waiting for the moving company to arrive!

Even though Colleen is smiling here, it wasn't nearly as much fun for us to move as it was for Millie:

So far this is the only picture we have of the inside of the new apartment right after we moved in before we got it mostly set up, we just found our camera again so we'll get more pictures up next week! (See the next blog down for more info on our new building and location)

It was great to have Christine visit once again and to play host. We really enjoyed her company! We ran a 5k race in Balboa Park on Saturday night, it was a night time 5k that started at 7pm.

Right after the race we went home, changed, and went to an early Halloween party. Colleen was a St Paulie Girl, Christine was a Bass Ale Girl, and Jim rounded out the beer theme as he was a beer keg. (His costume was a 'working' costume, it really dispensed beer!)

Colleen's birthday was on November 1st and she was taking yet another CSET (CA teaching exam) this time in Earth Science. When she is done with all her tests she will be licensed to teach Elementary School and High School for General Science, Biology and Earth Science. Phew! After her exam, we all went out to Wine Steals in our old hillcrest neighborhood for their Saturday evening wine tasting with a small group of friends.
We have lost our camera sometime after moving so unfortunately no pictures to enhance this post. Send us positive energy that we will find it!
(Well someone must have because tonight we found our camera!!!!!)We will be camping and canoeing this weekend so we will blog when we get back!